Kingshill vehicle weight limit

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Consultation has now concluded


Welcome to the community engagement on the Council’s proposed environmental weight limit on Kingshill as part of the Kingshill Air Quality Management Area.

This is the opportunity to tell us your views on the vehicle weight limit being proposed as part of the plan to improve local air quality on Kingshill Road.

Why are we making this proposal?

The Council is considering introducing a weight limit on Kingshill Road to prevent vehicles at 7.5 tonnes and above using the road (except for access).

The Council declared an Air Quality Management Area on Kingshill Road in

Consultation has now concluded


Welcome to the community engagement on the Council’s proposed environmental weight limit on Kingshill as part of the Kingshill Air Quality Management Area.

This is the opportunity to tell us your views on the vehicle weight limit being proposed as part of the plan to improve local air quality on Kingshill Road.

Why are we making this proposal?

The Council is considering introducing a weight limit on Kingshill Road to prevent vehicles at 7.5 tonnes and above using the road (except for access).

The Council declared an Air Quality Management Area on Kingshill Road in February 2018 as a result of the high level of Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) emissions detected within the air, which is considered to be as a result of a combination of factors, one of which is the exhaust emissions from larger vehicles using the road.

More information on Air Quality in Swindon can be found at Air quality in Swindon | Swindon Borough Council

The annual status reports for air quality in Swindon can be found at Publication scheme and open data catalogue - Air quality annual status report | Swindon Borough Council

An Air Quality Action Plan has been prepared for this road and one action in this document is the introduction of a weight limit to restrict the size of vehicles permitted to use Kingshill Road, between Westcott Place and Okus Road. In order to have the greatest impact on reducing air pollution levels, it has been proposed to introduce a 7.5 tonne weight limit (except for access), as this would restrict access for a larger number of vehicles. The weight limit would not exclude all larger vehicles, still allowing access for deliveries within the area, buses and coaches, the emergency services and highway maintenance vehicles.

Why are we consulting on the proposal?

The introduction of a weight limit requires a Traffic Regulation Order. The Council must follow a legal process when introducing a Traffic Regulation Order – including formal public consultation and consideration of any comments received before it makes a final decision.

How can you get involved?

The formal consultation period is open from 19 July to 9 August 2024 – in line with legal requirements. The necessary legal documents and an on-line response form can be found –

Stage 2 - Formal consultation | Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) | Swindon Borough Council

You can also respond by email to or in writing to: Traffic Management & Road Safety, Swindon Borough Council, Wat Tyler House, Beckhampton Street, Swindon SN1 2JG

How do I find out more?

A detailed report on the proposals is available to download under the documents section on the right of this page – along with a map showing the route.

What happens next?

All comments will be collated and reported back to the Cabinet Members and Ward Councillors for consideration of the next steps and whether to proceed to implement the weight limit. The volume of feedback, both in support of and against the proposals will be taken into account so it is important that you record your views.

Page last updated: 10 Aug 2024, 11:59 AM